What is the Lab Fund?
Lab Fund is dedicated to enhancing the quality of undergraduate engineering education and improving services by purchasing necessary items as deemed by the students. As upper-year students, you will be required to participate in Lab Fund to submit requests to fund your design projects
Phases of Funding
Phase 1: Request Form Submission
Due Friday, February 7th @11:59 PM
In this phase, you will formulate and submit a request form for your group’s purchases. To submit a Lab Fund request please go to the following link and log in using your UoGuelph account https://uoguelph.bplogix.net/workspace.aspx. Find the form titled "SOE - Student Lab Fund" and begin to fill it out.
Some tips to ensure this phase is as smooth as possible:
A reminder that you can rent equipment for the semester to use in your design projects. It is heavily stressed to ensure you check the EEL before making a request. To make an EEL request click https://geel.myturn.com/library/.
Choose a member of your group to act as the Treasurer, this member will be responsible for submitting the request.
Ensure your group SUBMITS 1 REQUEST FORM, this is to ensure a smooth approval and reimbursement process.
It is understood that things change in the design process, and this means budgets change. With that being said, it is suggested that groups slightly overestimate quantities of some items to account for any changes that might occur during the fabrication process. This will give groups some wiggle room to work with in case of emergency.
Phase 2: Request Approval
Occurring Friday, February 14th @1 PM via Microsoft Teams
After submitting a request, your form goes into review where it will be looked over by EngSoc’s Lab Fund Committee. If all requests made are valid and constitutional (please refer to the Constitution of the Engineering Equipment Fund) your request will move to await approval.
Ensure at least 1 team member is in attendance at the Lab Fund meeting to represent your group’s requests. If no member of your group is present at the meeting you will be denied funding.
During the Lab Fund Meeting, all budgets will get voted on by the undergraduate student body who are requesting Lab Fund. Voting will be anonymous and take place over Microsoft Forms in which a link will be sent during the meeting.
Phase 3: Purchasing and Reimbursement
Please choose the phase which best suits the needs of your group
Phase 3a: Purchasing via School of Engineering
If you prefer to have your approved budget items purchased by the School of Engineering you will have to submit a Purchase Request Form.
More Information to Come Soon!
Phase 3b: Reimbursement
If you prefer to purchase your approved budget items yourself, you will have to submit a Reimbursement Request Form.
More Information to Come Soon!
Please contact gesvpint@uoguelph.ca for any inquires